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APM has an extraordinary history of partnering with ad agency clients on some of the most buzz worthy Super Bowl spots of all time.
Over 40 in-game commercials have featured APM Music in the last decade along with numerous social campaigns, viral challenges,
and interactive contests leading up to the Big Game.

Ally Financial "Saving For That Ad"
"'Symphony No.9 'Coral': Presto 'Ode to Joy'"
BCC-0023 #10
Remy Martin "Inch by Inch" ft. Serena Williams
SATVCD-0110 #10
E*Trade's "Baby Wedding"
"Midsummer Night's Dream No. 5 Wedding March"
Pepsi "Great Acting or Great Taste?"
""Quest to Glory""
INSD-0205 #14
Taco Bell "The Grande Escape"
"Calliope Parade"
NIGHT-0120 #1
Universal Studios "Fast X" trailer
"Bomb Squad"
REDM-0010 #13
Paramount+ "Expedition"
"Sweet Victory"
BR-0292 #72
Amazon "Football Is Open"
"Sarabande in E Minor Pizzicato"
KCL-3003 #2
T-Mobile Big Game “Adam Levine Sets Up Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton”
"Blessed Child"
BNZ-0016 #6
Michelob ULTRA Organic Seltzer "All-Star Cast"
"Flugel Forte"
BOSA-0115 #21
Tide "Super Bowl now, #laundrylater"
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
T-Mobile Big Game “Team Anthony Anderson vs. Team Mama”
"The Equalizer"
NFL-0093 #3
LEM-0245 #33
Toyota Highlander
"Love Is The Reason"
SCD-0185 #13
The Dump "Super Saturday"
"Heavy Action"
KPM-0433 #7
Colgate "Close Talker"
"Electro Bounce"
SCDV-0635 #13
Bud Light Dilly Dilly “Joust”
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Bud Light "The Bud Knight"
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Bud Light Dilly Dilly “Ye Old Pep Talk”
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Bud Light Dilly Dilly “Medieval Barbers"
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Bud Light Dilly Dilly “Trojan Horse Occupants”
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Bud Light Dilly Dilly “Special Delivery”
"Sir Richard's Pleasure"
KPM-0010 #5
Head and Shoulders "Goat Rental"
"Bending Mind"
INSD-0130 #5
Head and Shoulders #Headstrong
"Serenade for Summer"
BOSA-0104 #1
Head and Shoulders "Smash Therapy"
AXS-2391 #24
Head and Shoulders "Weddings to Go"
"Sweet Spring Evening"
MEZ-0026 #10
Tide "It's Yet Another Tide Ad"
"Brand New Week"
SPOTON-0006 #15
Febreze “The Only Man Whose Bleep Don't Stink”
"Baked Alaska"
LEM-0085 #23
Pringles "Wow"
"Love and Loss"
JW-2174 #9
Tide "It's All the Tide Ads"
"Brand New Week"
SPOTON-0006 #15
Febreze "Halftime #BathroomBreak"
"The Pride And The Glory"
KPM-0327 #7
Wargaming "Teensy House Buyers"
KAR-1008 #12
Wargaming "Real Awful Moms"
"The Sting Of Brutality"
ROCK-0136 #64
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Doritos Dogs"
"The Thieving Magpie"
LS-1101 #5
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Cowboy Kid"
"Second Barbier"
KOS-0017 #13
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Time Machine"
"Ascending Together"
BR-0515 #11
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Fashionista Daddy"
SCD-0090 #15
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Goat 4 Sale"
"Movin' On To Memphis"
BR-0529 #10
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Man's Best Friend"
"Premier Barbier"
KOS-0017 #6
Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" - "Pug Attack"
"Requiem, Dies Irae"
BCC-0035 #44
Groupon "Save the Money" - "You Can Help"
"Heartfelt And Poignant"
SCD-0817 #23
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