APM Music has been a trusted partner to the top game companies for over 25 years.
music catalog
APM provides direct access to an unmatched music catalog, in breadth and depth.
1.2M+ Tracks
300+ Genres Represented
250+ Playlists (by mood, occasion, genre...etc)
Music from across 185 Countries and over 12 Decades
Authentic Archival Recordings
Indie Artist Collection

new music every month
new albums
new titles
new tracks
new songs w/stems
a few of our clients

APM games reel

no-hassle licensing
APM’s licenses are tailored to
specific projects/productions - pay only for what you need.
Streamlined Licensing Process.
All Media.
100% Copyright Cleared.
legal assurances
APM offers security and confidence –
tracks protected by full indemnification.
Risk-Free Music.
E&O Policy Protection.
No Legal Clearance Concerns.

Search & Find The Sound
You’re Looking For
APM’s refined search capabilities allow you to cast a wide net or get extremely granular within the catalog.
Search by Mood, Genre, Tempo, Era, Instrument (etc.)...or with a combination/elimination of elements.
“In The Style Of” is a feature that allows users to reference a certain artist or film/tv show.
Audio Similarity – Drop a reference track into the search and quickly receive sound alike options (in BETA).
music directors
Short on time or looking for expert guidance, APM’s Music Directors can assist.
Full time team of Music Directors available to offer customized recommendations based on your production needs.
Decades of combined experience with extensive backgrounds in production music.
Give them insight behind your placeholder track, and they can return curated options.